Thursday, April 30, 2015

Consoles Throught The Years

 So today in class I started to look at the main evolution and how the consoles interacted throughout the years. As it turns out the first official game console was the Magnavox Odyssey by Ralph H. Baer. It pre-dated the Atari by just over three years! Followed by the Fairchild Channel F which, was soon majorly taken over by the Atari 2600. After that several other consoles came out but Atari stayed on top. That was up until the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and the Sega Genesis came, these to companies where the two that started the modern day Console Wars. Once again a few years later a new company joined the mix, Playstation. Now it went on between the Nintendo 64 (N64), the Playstation, and the new Sega Dreamcast. And once again a new console/company enters, Microsoft with the Xbox. Around 2002 the console war was between The Playstation 2, The Xbox, and the Nintendo Gamecube. These three companies went on and still are the dominant 3 consoles along with the PC. Also below i have added a picture of the Magnavox Odyssey along with a picture showing all known consoles, when they came out, and when they were taken off market.


  1. This is a very cool subject that I am interested in, I will be looking at your post regularly and I can't wait for your presentation. You should also find out who came up with the idea of each console, it would be very interesting!

  2. Interesting. It's cool that you're looking into the history of this topic.

  3. You should include the format the games came in as well. Awesome topic.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The pictures definitely add another level of insight. Your blog is really good so far. Good job!
